Save Profile List Forces AmFTP to save the current profile list. Otherwise profile
list is saved at exit.
Import Profile List Allows importing of profile lists from previous version of AmFTP.
Save Batch window contents Allows you to save the contents of the current batch list
window, allowing continued download of a batch list after disconnection or exiting.
Load & add batch window contents Allows loading of a previous batchlist to be
appended to the existing batch list.
Settings Calls AmFTPPrefs Utility where most of AmFTP's configuration can be adjusted.
Flat Download If set, will save incoming files in the local directory, otherwise
will preserve the files path as well.
Directory Tool Toggles AmFTP to have one or two file lists. If only one file
list is used (no check mark), it is the remote dir and only download operations can be performed.
If "Directory Tool" is active, the AmFTP will display two file listings and operations may be
performed both ways.
MUI Settings... Calls MUI configuration utility, allowing you to adjust the look and feel
of AmfTP.